Aishwarya Arumbakkam: Ten sounds I cannot hear

Aishwarya Arumbakkam, Lines, 2020-22 (detail), India ink on Bristol paper. 17 x 11 in. (each). Courtesy of the artist.
Split between two countries, Aishwarya Arumbakkam uses her practice to maintain a close connection with her family back home in Chennai, India. Pained by this physical separation, she utilizes her work to diminish the presence of distance, and to lengthen the limited time she has left with aging loved ones. Through an arrangement of photography, video, printmaking, and drawing, Arumbakkam’s work addresses the complex experience of immigration, as well as the obstacles faced when attempting to preserve meaningful relationships with loved ones from afar. Using the ambiguities and irregularities of online imaging, Arumbakkam explores the space between seeing and not seeing, touching and not touching, being present and being out of reach. Through this tension, Arumbakkam conveys her own guilt and agony over starting a new life halfway around the world. Yet, through touching moments of vulnerability and sincerity, she strengthens the bonds with those she has left back home.
— Devon Gerstenhaber (Curatorial Fellow, 2021-2022)
Aishwarya Arumbakkam (b. 1988) is a multidisciplinary visual artist from Chennai, India who works across photography, filmmaking, and drawing. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Studio Art at The University of Texas, Austin. Arumbakkam was honored as one of the ‘Ones to Watch’ by the British Journal of Photography in 2019. In 2020, she was awarded the Magnum Foundation Photography and Social Justice Fellowship. Her work has been exhibited at The South London Gallery (2022); The Visual Arts Center, Austin (2022, 2020); Ishara Art Foundation, Dubai (2021); and Ffotogallery, Cardiff (2017).
Dividida entre dos países, Aishwarya Arumbakkam utiliza su práctica para mantener una conexión cercana con su familia en Chennai, India. Afligida por esta separación física, ella utiliza su trabajo para disminuir el peso de la distancia y alargar el tiempo limitado que le queda con sus seres queridos que están envejeciendo. A través de una combinación de fotografías, videos, grabados y dibujos, el trabajo de Arumbakkam aborda la compleja experiencia de la inmigración, así como los obstáculos a los que se enfrenta al intentar preservar relaciones significativas a distancia con sus familiares. Utilizando las ambigüedades e irregularidades en el procesamiento digital de imágenes, Arumbakkam explora el espacio entre ver y no ver, tocar y no tocar, estar presente y estar fuera del alcance. A través de esta tensión, Arumbakkam transmite su propia culpa y agonía por comenzar una nueva vida al otro lado del mundo. Sin embargo, en estos conmovedores momentos de vulnerabilidad y sinceridad, fortalece los lazos con aquellos que ha dejado atrás en su hogar.
— Devon Gerstenhaber (Curatorial Fellow, 2021-2022)
Aishwarya Arumbakkam (n. 1988) es una artista visual multidisciplinaria de Chennai, India, que trabaja con fotografía, cine y dibujo. Actualmente está cursando un MFA en Artes Visuales en la Universidad de Texas, Austin. Arumbakkam fue nombrada una de las 'artistas a seguir' por el British Journal of Photography en 2019. En 2020, recibió la Beca de Fotografía y Justicia Social de la Fundación Magnum. Su obra ha sido exhibida en The South London Gallery (2022); el Visual Arts Center, Austin (2022, 2020); Ishara Art Foundation, Dubái (2021); y Ffotogallery, Cardiff (2017).