three figures in silhouette against a projection of numbers

Fred Schmidt–Arenales, Still from IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT, 2024. Three-channel video installation, stereo sound. 33:45 min. Courtesy of the artist.


For over a century, scientists, engineers, and government officials have been working to protect the Texas Gulf Coast from superstorm events that have damaged local ecosystems, displaced and killed coastal residents, and immobilized the region’s energy, shipping, and military operations. In the wake of catastrophic storms and hurricanes, including Katrina, Ike, and Harvey, the US Army Corps of Engineers has proposed the construction of a $57 billion floodgate and dike system in Galveston Bay called the Texas Coastal Barrier Project, or “Ike Dike” for short. One of the largest proposed projects in the corps’ history, the Ike Dike has been vaunted not only as essential to protecting the Houston Ship Channel but also under the banner of environmental and community protection. Fred Schmidt–Arenales’s exhibition, IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT, examines the corps’ efforts to advocate for the Ike Dike using community- and environment-focused rhetoric in public forums while developing a plan that prioritizes industrial, political, and military concerns above all else.

Juxtaposing real-world interviews with corps officers, footage of bureaucratic procedures, and historical narratives of local environmental infrastructure projects with staged civic action and musical performances, Schmidt–Arenales’s film untangles the irony at the heart of the Ike Dike project: the industries it is designed to protect are the very industries driving the escalation of superstorms in Texas and around the globe. And the communities and ecosystems that are most threatened by rising sea levels and storms will continue to bear the brunt of the Ike Dike’s costly shortcomings. IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT offers perspectives on intervening in purposefully opaque bureaucratic procedures and demonstrates the importance of questioning seemingly innocuous administrative performances through imaginative and collaborative methods.

This exhibition is presented a stone’s throw from the Texas State Capitol, where state and local politicians are debating the Ike Dike’s feasibility and future.

Durante más de un siglo, científicos, ingenieros y funcionarios gubernamentales han estado trabajando para proteger la costa del Golfo de Texas de las supertormentas que han estropeado ecosistemas locales, desplazado y matado residentes costeros e inmovilizado las operaciones militares, energéticas, y de transporte en la región. Tras las tormentas y huracanes catastróficos, incluyendo Katrina, Ike y Harvey, el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de Estados Unidos propuso la construcción de un sistema de compuertas y diques en la Bahía de Galveston, llamado el Proyecto de Barrera Costera de Texas, también conocido como ‘Ike Dike’ (Dique de Ike), que tendría un costo de 57 mil millones de dólares. Ike Dike, uno de los proyectos más grandes propuestos en la historia del Cuerpo de Ingenieros, ha sido elogiado como esencial para proteger al Canal de Navegación de Houston bajo el lema de protección ambiental y comunitaria. La exposición de Fred Schmidt-Arenales, IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT [ES UN BUEN PROYECTO Y DEBE CONSTRUIRSE], examina los esfuerzos del Cuerpo de Ingenieros en abogar por el Dique de Ike en foros públicos por medio de una retórica centrada en la comunidad y en el medioambiente mientras se desarrolla un plan que prioriza los intereses industriales, políticos y militares.

A yuxtaponer entrevistas veridicas con funcionarios del Cuerpo de Ingenieros, metraje de procedimientos burocráticos y narrativas históricas de proyectos locales de infraestructura ambiental con acciones civiles escenificadas y presentaciones musicales, la película de Schmidt-Arenales desenreda la ironía central del proyecto Ike Dike: mientras su diseño protege las industrias que escalan las supertormentas no solo en Texas pero mundialmente, las comunidades y los ecosistemas que más se amenazan por las tormentas y el aumento de los niveles del mar siguen desproporcionalmente impactados por las deficiencias costosas. IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT [ES UN BUEN PROYECTO Y DEBE CONSTRUIRSE] nos brinda perspectiva de intervenciones en procedimientos burocráticos deliberadamente ocultados y demuestra la importancia de cuestionar funciones administrativas aparentemente innocuas a través de métodos imaginativos y colaborativos.

Esta exposición se presenta a tiro de piedra del Capitolio de Estado de Texas, donde el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de Estados Unidos y los miembros de la Legislatura de Texas están actualmente debatiendo la viabilidad y el futuro del Ike Dike.

Fred Schmidt–Arenales: IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT originated at Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, NY, as part of Swamplands, a yearlong research project that focused on the ethical and technical entanglements of water. It was organized by the Storefront team with lead curator Jessica Kwok. This presentation is organized for the Visual Arts Center by Max Fields.

Presenting support for Fred Schmidt–Arenales: IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT is provided by Planet Texas 2050, a UT Grand Challenge.

logo for Planet Texas 2050, A UT Grand Challenge

Principle support for Fred Schmidt–Arenales: IT IS A GOOD PROJECT AND SHOULD BE BUILT is provided by Storefront for Art and Architecture.

logo for Storefront for Art and Architecture

About the artist

Fred Schmidt–Arenales is an artist and filmmaker. His projects attempt to bring awareness to unconscious processes on both individual and group levels. He has presented films, installations, and performances internationally at venues including SculptureCenter and Abrons Arts Center (New York), Links Hall (Chicago), The Darling Foundry (Montreal), Lightbox Film Center and Institute of Contemporary Art (Philadelphia), Artspace (New Haven), The Museum of Fine Arts and FotoFest (Houston), Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst und Medien (Graz), and Kunsthalle Wien (Vienna). His recent film Committee of Six was an official selection of the 2022–23 Architecture and Design Film Festival (New York) and was awarded a jury prize for best film at the 2023 Onion City Experimental Film Festival (Chicago).

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Reading List

Our friends at Alienated Majesty Books have compiled a reading list that aligns with the themes and topics covered in the VAC’s Fall 2024 exhibitions and special projects.

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