Show of Gratitude

Between 1979 and 1980, artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles created Touch Sanitation Performance wherein she spent 11 months shaking hands with and thanking the employees of New York City’s department of sanitation—all 8,500 of them. “Thank you for keeping New York City alive!” she told every one of them. The seven Expanded Media II/III students in this exhibition play with ways in which we express thanks, but also invoke other traditional and more devious maneuvers as well: they pay homage, they reenact, and they appropriate.
This exhibition is organized by Katy McCarthy, Studio Art faculty and 2018–19 St. Elmo Artist-in-Residence.
Katharine Broyles
Carolyn Calloway
Rafael Gutierrez
Daedelus J. Hoffman
Sarah Rose Knight
Celine Lassus
An-Binh Phung