Sincerely, Everything: 2024 Senior Art Exhibition

In Sincerely, Everything, the 2024 graduating class of The University of Texas’ Studio Art Program demonstrates their sharpened sensibility to the visual through their independent voices and diverse creations. The exhibition encapsulates an expansive array of mediums including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, technological-based/transmedia, and print. Works presented in this exhibition act as platforms for conversation, inspiration, and inclusive expression for their peers and themselves for years to come.
Juno Aldana
Ramtin Aria
Madi Arnold
Josephine Bandora
Julia Cary
Carter Chase
Youjin Choi
Abigail Coronado
Mai Deguchi
Marie Aburto de la Fuente
Leah De La Rosa
Robert Dobbs
Kalle Duncan
Andrea Eman
Vontyla Green
Hayden Howe
Hanna Johnson
Ye Ji Jung
Elly Kang
Ria Kang
Leah King
Ariana Kimball
Grace Lee
Virginia Liu
Julio Martinez
Mathew McIntyre
Major Mottla
Fabiana Munoz
Charlie Mura
Izzy Nuzzo
Jake Otto
Ella Price
Romelo Rosario
Katelyn Roy
Ang Ruiz
Kaya Samuel
Alaina Sibley
Anne Marie Singhoff
Jessica Song
Sophie Stoeger
Katherine Timmons
Luis Armstrong Toledo
Andrew Tran
Carrington Turner
Claire Warner
Paul Anthony Cano Westmoreland
Seth White
Naeemah Winter
Erika Woollett–Chiba
Audrey Wright
Caden Zips